Massive multiplayer game general guidelines
Things applying to any game, not just MMO.
Easy and fun to start playing.
Hard to master: encourages creativity and personal development.
- Great diversity of playable strategies with none 100% effective.
- Effectiveness in game highly depends on human skills.
- Implementing and perfecting strategy ideas do not require neither real money nor repetitive playing.
- Game encourages to find unusual, rare solutions.
- Nicely implemented in SpaceChem: after finishing a level game shows statistics how the solution compares to other solitions for this level from different players.
Sticks to its own unique theme: visual, sound, story etc. all together.
- Resist temptation to accept a feature if it does not fit into selected theme.
Particular notes about MMO games.
Encourages benevolence that results in joy of giving.
- Player gives something that they have plenty of. E.g. a buff to another player.
- Receiving gratitude or other proof of usefulness of their effort supports benevolence.
Fun, challenging and rewarding PvE/Coop.
- "Icarus-hard", see concept described in comparison of Diablo 3 vs Diablo 2
- Player may choose difficulty, ranging from super-easy to super-hard.
- Higher difficulty = better rewards, both in terms of loot and public image among other players (ratings, etc.)
Competitive play requires careful thinking.
- Never rely on competitive play to implement new circumstances. Instead, improve random generation and AI of PvE games.
- "Dick measuring" CAN be harmless, but not always is.
- "Dick measuring" denotes pleasure from having rare things that others would like to have.
- Including but not limited to: items, statistics, achievements, etc.
- Requires players to have access a lot of numbers, ratings and graphs to measure everything there is.
- "Dick measuring" denotes pleasure from having rare things that others would like to have.
- It is highly questionable to have PvP at all.
- If to have PvP, it must be fair.
- Spirit of sportsmanship above all.
- Any strategy can be countered without much money or time invested.
- Players in PvP keep chances to win until the very end, be it through opponent's mistake or own creative play.
- Everything else aside, at least allow to give up and leave instantly at any moment.